On May 4th (Star Wars Day, geddit?!) we have the return of Ken Mathieson’s Classic Jazz Orchestra. This band was a regular feature at Linlithgow Jazz but this is their first gig here since January 2019 (another sell out!) when, shortly afterwards, covid stopped play.
During this time, Ken Mathieson decided it was time to retire from the drum stool (also a sad loss to our house band) and the CJO’s future was uncertain. But they’re back, a few changes – most notably Ken’s absence – but still the same great arrangements (by Ken) and still the cream of Scottish Jazz musicians, so a fantastic night is guaranteed.
Playing the music of Benny Carter, Duke Ellington, Jelly Roll Morton and many others will be Colin Steele (trumpet), Chris Greive (trombone), Dick Lee (clarinet/alto sax/penny whistle), Stewart Forbes (tenor sax), Martin Foster (clarinet/bass clarinet/ bari sax/bass sax), Paul Harrison (piano), Andy Mitchell (bass) and Tom Gordon (drums).
We sold quite a few tickets on Saturday and the rest of the physical tickets are now with Far From The Madding Crowd (around 30) and there are some available on TicketSource (booking fee applies)
This is likely to be another sell out, so – if you want to come and haven’t got a ticket yet – please don’t leave it to the last minute 😀
Like all shows it’s at the Queen Margaret Hall, Blackness Road. Linlithgow. EH49 7JA and start at 7:30pm. Doors open at 7pm. And as ever the night is BYOB (and glasses, and snacks etc), so don’t forget to give yourselves time to nip across the road to the supermarket! There is however tea/coffee available at the interval. The fun takes place in the Queen Margaret Hall (see the About section for details) and doors open at 7pm for a 7:30pm start, running till around 10pm.