New Phoenix Jazz Band – Saturday 7th January

It’s 2023, and Linlithgow Jazz is kicking its programme off with a band guaranteed to blow the old year’s cobwebs away!

No strangers to Linlithgow Jazz, Jerry Forde brings his New Phoenix Jazz Band back to Linlithgow on Saturday 7th January. Long time attendees will remember that Jerry’s band were our last event before the pandemic so it’s lovely to have them back nearly three years later for a perfect start to our 2023 season.

Jerry Forde (bass) is joined by Christine Adams (vocals), Phil Adams (banjo & guitar), Jack Wilson (drums), Lorne Cowieson (trumpet) and Dick Lee and Martin Foster on reeds.

Tickets (£12) are available now on Eventbrite.

And a reminder to anyone new to our events, that we don’t have a bar, so encourage you to bring your own drinks (and glasses!), nibbles etc.

As ever we’re at the Queen Margaret Hall on Blackness Road (EH49 7JA) – 7pm doors for a 7.30pm start.

We look forward to welcoming in 2023 with many of you on 7th!

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